Employed in a non-governmental organisation

More than 1,600 members of our member organisations work in the NGO sector, or in registered non-governmental organisations and foundations. The NGO sector is one of the main focuses of our private sector lobbying, and we strongly place our resources also in the NGO sector of the Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff YTN that works for creating collective labour agreements for the industry.


The pioneers of the Akava-based collective labour agreement activities in the non-governmental organisations have been the student organisations. In the first years, the student organisations have created collective labour agreements that suit the field. Also, other employer-specific agreements have been established.


As a significant number of the members in the NGO sector still do not have a collective labour agreement or fall within the scope of an agreement negotiated by another central organisation, we still have work in collective lobbying in the future.


One important goal is to make the industrial group of senior salaried employees more visible and to define them as their own occupational group instead of being counted as salaried employees.


A specific electronic employment contract template has been created for our members working in non-governmental organisations and outside of collective labour agreements. You can use the template when you are seeking a job and use it as your own proposition for an employment contract. You can also use it as a checklist and guide for issues to be agreed upon.


Contact person at the Akava Special Branches office

Poutanen, Amalia, Negotiations Manager
Negotiation and agreement activities in the private sector and university of applied sciences -sector
Phone 0201 235 336
Twitter @AmaliaPoutanen
Torvela, Tuire, Legal Adviser
- Safeguarding for the private sector
- Safeguarding and legal consultation for self-employed
Phone 0201 235 356

Leppänen, Juho-Heikki, Legal Adviser
Legal consultation for the private sector
Phone 0201 235 365
Torvela, Tuire, Legal Adviser
- Safeguarding for the private sector
- Safeguarding and legal consultation for self-employed
Phone 0201 235 356