Working in a municipality

Akava Special Branches together with the Negotiation Organisation for Public Sector Professionals JUKO looks after your interests. Your support at your workplace is an employees’ representative from JUKO. 


We represent the over 6,000 employees in the service of municipalities and federations of municipalities, who work in specialist and supervisory positions in administration, culture and health services.


Our biggest occupational groups in the municipal sector are

  • from cultural activity: librarians, curators, cultural producers and youth and sports workers
  • from administrative occupational groups: planners, researchers, project workers, people in managerial or supervisory positions as well as information officers and translators
  • from the health services: dental hygienists and geronoms


The collective labour agreement to be applied to our members working in the municipal sector is the General collective agreement for municipal personnel (KVTES). In the contract negotiations, our members are represented by the Negotiation Organisation for Public Sector Professionals JUKO. We are active in JUKO’s operations.


A small number of our members fall within the scope of the Collective agreement for teachers (OVTES).


You can have a say in the negotiation goals through your member organisation. Within the union, municipal sector lobbying is coordinated by the municipality advisory board where all member organisations have representation.


We influence the salaries and working conditions of our members in contract negotiations as well as by providing individual support and counselling. We increase awareness of our members’ professions and raise awareness of how demanding the work of our members is.


The union’s advisers and lawyers will help you with any trouble regarding your employment and salary negotiations. You should always first try to find an answer to your question from your supervisor or HR. If you want a view independent from your employer, contact your employees’ representative or the union’s office.

See also: KT Local government employers


Contact persons at the Akava Special Branches office

Korpisaari, Jaakko, Negotiations Manager
- Safeguarding for the municipal sector
- Safeguarding for the wellbeing services county sector
Phone 0201 235 363
Twitter @JaakkoKorpisaar