Information about our members

The fields we represent

Universities: humanities, general, adult and special education, administrative and political sciences as well as communications and the arts.

Universities of applied sciences: humanities, arts and culture, tourism, catering and domestic services, executive assistant work and languages, sign language, oral hygienics, geriatric work and physical education and recreation.

The most common degree titles among our members:

  • Master of Arts
  • Master and Bachelor of Administrative Science
  • Bachelor of Humanities
  • Master and Bachelor of Education
  • Master and Bachelor of Sports Science
  • Master and Bachelor of Music
  • Master and Bachelor of Arts 
  • Master and Bachelor of Theology 
  • Master and Bachelor of Health Sciences 
  • Master and Bachelor of Political Science 
  • Master and Bachelor of Social Sciences

Universities of applied sciences
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts (artenomi)
  • Bachelor of Elderly Care
  • Conservator
  • Culture Producer
  • Visual Artist
  • Bachelor of Sports and Leisure Management
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts (medianomi)
  • Bachelor of Culture and Arts (muotoilija)
  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Oral Hygienist
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, HSO
  • Sign Language Interpreter
  • Community Pedagogue