
Unemployment benefit

As a salaried member, the Unemployment Fund for Higher Educated Employees Erko manages your unemployment benefit. You may be entitled to earnings-related unemployment allowance, job alternation compensation or other fund benefits.


Entrepreneur and independent professional members must themselves take care of joining the SYT.

If you become unemployed, here’s what to do

  1. Register as a full-time unemployed job seeker at the Employment and Economic Development Office on your first day of unemployment at the latest. If you are laid off, you need to bring with you a certificate concerning the layoff. Tell the Employment and Economic Development Office the name of your fund, the Unemployment Fund for Higher Educated Employees Erko.

  2. Update your membership information in the Akava Special Branches membership register. Make sure now, at the latest, that you have paid your membership fees. The fund will check your membership information with the union before making a decision on the unemployment allowance.

  3. Claim earnings-related unemployment allowance from the fund within three months of registering at the Employment and Economic Development Office. Note! Claims for unemployment allowances are mailed to Erko, not the union.

    Read more www.erko.fi/in-english

For more detailed information, please contact Erko:

The Unemployment Fund for Higher Educated Employees Erko

> Contact information



Also note that, with certain prerequisites, you may be entitled to an employment programme compiled by the Employment and Economic Development Office upon your request and to the employment programme supplement from the fund. The fund will provide more information on all the benefits related to your unemployment paid to you by the fund.