
Become a member

1. Get to know the member organisations of Akava Special Branches and join the one that suits you best.


All our members are members of both one of our organisations and the union. You can become a member already while studying.


You should join the unemployment fund straight away. Being a member of the fund does not create any additional costs for a student as the union’s membership fee remains the same, regardless of the fact if you are only a member of the union or also a member of the unemployment fund through your union.


2. Fill in the membership application.

Your membership application will be handled in the union, after which you will receive information on the acceptance of your membership and other membership material.


> Membership application

Please note that when joining an unemployment fund/transferring from one fund to another, you must be a wage earner.

What is the value of your membership benefits in euros?

The average value of your membership benefits per year is

Individual legal and salary counselling: the cost is approximately €300/hour


Earnings-related unemployment benefit – Unemployment fund membership


Different member guidebooks (around €25 per book)


Trainings and events (training/day)


Leisure travel insurance


Leisure accident insurance


Other discounts on insurance (average)


Member+, discounts for membership card holders (purchases benefits)


Career coaching


Annual benefits, total