Employed in a company

Approximately 40 per cent of the members of the member organisations of Akava Special Branches work in the private sector. The union’s members work in practically all fields covered by collective labour agreements as well as in fields and professions that do not yet have collective labour agreements.


Members typically work in communications, HR, financial administration, education planning, translation, the wellbeing and leisure sector and in assistant work, for instance.


We influence the salaries and working conditions of our members in contract negotiations as well as by providing individual support and counselling. We increase awareness of our members’ professions and raise awareness of how demanding the work of our members is.


You can have a say in the negotiation goals through your member organisation. Within the union, private sector lobbying is coordinated by the private sector advisory board where all member organisations have representation.


The union’s advisers and lawyers will help you with any trouble regarding your employment and salary negotiations. You should always first try to find an answer to your question from your supervisor or HR. If you want a view independent from your employer, contact your employees’ representative or the union’s office.


Contact persons at the Akava Special Branches office

Poutanen, Amalia, Negotiations Manager
Negotiation and agreement activities in the private sector and university of applied sciences -sector
Phone 0201 235 336
Twitter @AmaliaPoutanen

Eskola, Kari, Senior Labour Market Lawyer
Safeguarding for the State, university and churchsector
Phone 0201 235 367

Leppänen, Juho-Heikki, Legal Adviser
Legal consultation for the private sector
Phone 0201 235 365
Torvela, Tuire, Legal Adviser
- Safeguarding for the private sector
- Safeguarding and legal consultation for self-employed
Phone 0201 235 356