

We provide you with advice and help with employment contracts, salaries, career development and other work-related matters. We take care of developing your working life and unemployment benefit. We also stick up for you when things don’t go as planned at work. We take care of our members’ best interests in the labour market; for example, in contract negotiations. We are also involved in the sustainable development of working life and aim to increase the respect of the fields we represent.


You can join Akava Special Branches through a member organisation. You should do it already while studying. Membership gives you access to the lobbying and benefits of Akava, Akava Special Branches, your own member organisation and the unemployment fund. (Entrepreneur and independent professional members must separately join Yrittäjäkassa, www.yrittajakassa.fi).


Thank you for already being our member. We want to be worthy of your trust also in the future. We hope you make use of your member benefits in many different ways.