

Akava Special Branches offers training as a member benefit. The goal is to give good training for our members in working life. There is a huge variety of free courses for you. All training is in Finnish.

Training for Akava Special Branches members

Being successful in working life requires constant training of yourself and getting to thoroughly know the topical questions of working life. Akava Special Branches wants to support and promote the labour market competence, wellbeing and success of its members. We offer our members free-of-charge, high-quality training on topical matters. The training is focused on lobbying and current issues in working life.


Training is free-of-charge for all members and you can sign up for the events through the online service on the union’s website. You can find information on training from the newsletter and website.


Public sector lobbying training

The Negotiation Organisation for Public Sector Professionals JUKO is Akava’s negotiation organisation through which Akava Special Branches organises its contract activities in the public sector. JUKO offers employees’ representative and cooperation training in the municipal, church, state and university sector, among other things. The purpose of lobbying training is to provide the members in charge of local lobbying with good abilities to act in lobbying duties in a public sector workplace.


Information on the dates, target groups and contents of the training courses can be found on JUKO’s website. Course Secretary Riitta Roisko is responsible for the practical realisation of training, tel. +358 40 530 7937, riitta.roisko@juko.fi



Private sector lobbying training

The Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff YTN is Akava’s negotiation organisation through which Akava Special Branches organises its contract activities in the private sector. The training provided by YTN gives those interested in the lobbying of a workplace’s senior salaried employees sufficient knowledge and skills to act at a workplace in those questions related to employment conditions in which common lobbying is needed.


Information on the dates, target groups and contents of the training can be found on YTN’s website. You can sign up for the training only by using the sign-up form on YTN’s website.


> YTN’s training calendar


The organisation of basic, supplementary and association of senior salaried employees training is the responsibility of Course Secretary Jaana Sääksberg, tel. +358 9 2291 2260, jaana.saaksberg@ytn.fi


The course secretaries for contract law training have been separately mentioned in the online training presentations.


Courses of TJS-Opintokeskus

In addition, you can make use of the courses of TJS-Opintokeskus as a member benefit.