
This is how we exert influence

Trade unions protect your rights in working life. The unions negotiate on important questions on your behalf; fair salary, working hours, days off, equality, occupational safety and occupational health care.

Many of the important reforms in working life come from the work of trade unions. These include the four-week summer holiday and the earningsrelated unemployment benefit.

Agreements negotiated by unions guarantee working conditions that exceed statutory requirements. Often, people think rights to certain benefits are statutory, when in fact, they are provided by collective agreements. A good example is the holiday bonus.

We protect your rights in working life

Individual lobbying
We will personally assist and counsel you in everyday working life, problematic situations, and the different stages of your career. We will provide expert assistance with your employment contract, situations of dismissal, issues related to labour legislation, etc. For instance, you can ask a legal adviser to inspect your employment contract before signing it.

Labour market lobbying
We negotiate your terms and conditions of employment and position in cooperation
with Akava and its negotiation organisations.
  • the negotiation organisation for the private sector is the Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff YTN
  • the negotiation organisation for the public sector is the Negotiation Organisation for Public Sector Professionals JUKO.

The interests of entrepreneurs and self-employed professionals are promoted by Entre, a cooperation organisation of Akava unions.

At your workplace, you will be supported by an Akava employees’ representative.

Professional lobbying
We raise awareness and increase the respect of your profession together with our member organisations. We also take part in the development of training in the branches we represent.

Social lobbying
We influence the sustainable development of Finnish working life and the education system.