Palvelut ja edut 2023

Services and benefits

As a member, you have access to a wealth of versatile, useful benefits, such as individual legal counselling, salary counselling and comprehensive insurance coverage.


Make use of your benefits!

The average value of your membership benefits per year is

Individual legal and salary counselling: the cost is approximately €300/hour


Earnings-related unemployment benefit – Unemployment fund membership


Different member guidebooks (around €25 per book)


Trainings and events (training/day)


Leisure travel insurance


Leisure accident insurance


Other discounts on insurance (average)


Member+, discounts for membership card holders (purchases benefits)


Career coaching


Annual benefits, total


As a member, you also qualify for a liability and legal expense insurance policy in the event of damage incurred in the profession. For more information, see the insurance terms and conditions.

Danske Bank offers our members a more affordablehousing loan, for example.

Also visit your member organisation’s websitefor information on all other benefits provided by it.

Did you now that the holiday bonus is another benefit negotiated by trade unions?

We protect your rights in negotiations concerning salaries, working hours, training policies, annual holidays, safety at work and occupational health care. The value of the collective labour agreement of the trade union, for example, can amount to as much as 20 per cent of your monthly salary. It is impossible to rate the importance of this type of social influence in terms of money only.


Achievements of trade unions from the past:

  • Eight-hour workday 1917
  • Four weeks of annual leave 1971
  • Holiday bonus 1972
  • Seven-month maternity leave 1974
  • Study leave 1979
  • Sickness and maternity allowance reform 1981
  • Earnings-based unemployment benefit 1984
  • Act on Equality between Women and Men 1987
  • Overall reform of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2002, mental occupational safety and health
  • Limitations on terminable employment 2003
  • Job alternation leave 2009
  • Overall reform of the Act on Personnel Funds 2010
  • Change security 2010
  • Five weeks of paternity leave 2010
  • Reform of paternal leave 2013
  • Overall reform of the Non-discrimination Act and Act on Equality between Women and Men 2014