Resigning the membership

You can resign your membership at any time, but first, please find out how the resignation will affect your situation.

Also keep in mind that you can change the member organisation within the union, and that you can also continue as a member even if you are an individual professional/entrepreneur.

> Find your own member organisation

> Membership of an individual professional


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We influence on your behalf

We protect your rights in negotiations concerning salaries, working hours, training policies, annual holidays, occupational safety and occupational health care. The value of the collective labour agreement of the trade union, for example, can amount to as much as 20 per cent of your monthly salary. It is impossible to rate the importance of this type of social influence in terms of money only.

Akava Special Branches negotiates your terms and conditions of employment and position in cooperation with employers both independently and with Akava’s negotiation organisations:

Akava Special Branches has also collective agreements in its name.

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Membership also brings valuable benefits

The average value of your member benefits per year is €
Individual legal and salary counselling: the cost is approximately €300/hour 300
Earnings-related unemployment benefit – Unemployment fund membership 75
Different member guidebooks (around €25 per book) 25
Trainings and events (training/day) 800
Leisure travel insurance 60
Leisure accident insurance 30
Other discounts on insurance (average) 70
Member+ benefits and services: discounts with a membership card for e.g. renting a cabin, shopping and activities 450
Career coaching 300
Annual benefits, total2110

In addition, the value of the collective labour agreement of the labour union can amount to as much as 20 per cent of your monthly salary.


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We offer help in finding a job

In the event of unemployment, you should not resign your membership. We help members with personal career coaching, salary counselling and online job search training. You can find more information about these here.

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Membership fee is tax-deductible

We automatically provide information about the membership fees to the tax authorities. Therefore, all you have to do is check that the information can be found in the pre-completed tax return which arrives each year in the spring.

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When resigning your membership, you will lose the following benefits and services, among others:

  • assistance by employment lawyers in all matters relating to the employment relationship
  • personal career coaching
  • personal salary counselling
  • training for members
  • earnings-related unemployment benefit
  • legal protection
  • travel and accident insurance

You can find all our member benefits and services here.

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Date of resignation?

If you are transferring from one union and/or unemployment fund to another, please note that when you join/change the unemployment fund, you must have an employment or service relationship.

When moving from Akava Special Branches to another union, you should only resign when you have been accepted by your new union. If you move on to become a member of another union and fund, you should schedule the resignation and joining the new union at the turn of the month. This makes counting the membership fees easier.

If you want the resignation to become effective on a specific date, please add it to the resignation form. Otherwise, the date of resignation will be the date when the resignation was received.

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Paying of the membership fee at the end of the membership

Membership may be resigned without a notice period, but not retroactively. Failure to pay the membership fee is not a way to resign your membership, but membership fees must be paid until the end of the resignation month.

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Resignation of membership always requires a written notification

> Resignation form