The Union of Communications Professionals

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The membership fee of The Union of Communications Professionals will change as of 1 January 2022

On 18 November 2021, the autumn meeting of The Union of Communications Professionals decided to change the membership fee from a percentage-based (1.1%) membership fee to a fixed membership fee as of 1 January 2022.

The reason for the decision was the long-standing wish of the members to make the membership fee simpler and easier.

With the current percentage-based membership fee, the members have found it difficult to calculate the membership fee due to the fact that income and life situations vary, and the amount of the membership fee has sometimes been high. The members have also had to pay the membership fee separately for holiday bonuses and bonuses, but as of 1 January 2022, the fixed membership fee no longer varies even if the monthly income does.

The comments submitted in the membership survey of autumn 2021 have been taken into account when preparing the membership fee reform.    


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As of 1 January 2022, the membership fee is divided into the following membership fee categories:

Membership fee EUR 32/month: You pay a membership fee if you are in an employment or service relationship or other similar paid employment relationship (e.g. an employed freelancer). The fee is also paid from the so-called support package in the event of termination of employment.


Reduced membership fee EUR 16/month

  • Member receiving benefits from the unemployment fund: You are entitled to a discounted membership fee if you receive a benefit from Erko/other unemployment fund (e.g. your are unemployed, laid off or on job alteration leave).
  • Entrepreneur, individual professional or freelancer


Minimum fee EUR 8/month: You pay the minimum payment if you do not receive a salary or a benefit from Erko/other unemployment fund. The minimum membership fee applies in the following situations, for example:

  • you are on family leave (NB! If your employer pays the salary for the first three months of maternity leave, the normal membership fee will be paid for those months.)
  • you are a pensioner
  • you receive grants
  • you receive adult education allowance
  • you are on unpaid sick leave
  • you receive rehabilitation support
  • you receive a benefit for caring for close relatives
  • you are unemployed or laid off and receive a benefit from Kela
  • you are working abroad (and not a posted worker).


Students EUR 2.70/month: You are entitled to a student membership fee if you are a registered degree student and do not receive adult education allowance.     

You are entitled to a student membership fee provided that: during your studies

  • You work in the summer or seasonally
  • You have a part-time job
  • You complete an internship.

When you start working full-time (not as an intern, summer work, seasonal work), you become an employee and pay a basic membership fee of EUR 32 per month, even if your studies have not yet been completed.


A member in military or civilian service is exempt from membership fees.

An honorary member of the union is exempt from membership fees.


The membership fee will continue to include the membership of the unemployment fund Erko (excluding entrepreneurs, individual professionals and freelancers who cannot belong to an employee fund) if you have also joined the unemployment fund upon becoming a member. By becoming a member of the fund, you can receive an earnings-related unemployment benefit. If you receive allowance from the fund, you pay the membership fee yourself in the future.

Your membership fee will be automatically set up on the new invoice based on the information in the member register. The invoice will be sent to your email in early 2022. Please update your information on the member's online platform as soon as possible.

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Paying membership fees

As before, you can pay the membership fee in the Akava Special Branches online platform or in your own bank with the payment details you have received. You will receive more information about payment in connection with the new invoice in early 2022.

You can also continue to authorise the employer to collect the membership fee directly from your salary. If you are in an employment or service relationship or other similar paid employment relationship (e.g. an employed freelancer), we will send the updated payment information directly to your employer.

If your employer has previously been collecting the membership fee from your salary, you do not need to do anything yourself. However, it is beneficial to verify from the first pay slip of the year that the membership fee has been paid correctly.

Please note! If you are, for example, a student, a trainee or another temporary employee, your automatic employer's collection will end on 31 December 2021. You will receive a membership fee invoice for 2022 from us at the beginning of the year. You can ask for advice on continuing the employer's collection from the Membership Officials of Akava Special Branches.

We are actively developing ways to pay the membership fee, and we are working hard to make e-invoices available during 2022.

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More information

If your question concerns changes to membership fees in general, please check the Frequently asked questions or contact the office of Viesti.


Anni Haaparanta

Head of Communications (deputy to the Executive Director)

The Union of Communications Professionals

tel. +358 (0)44 700 4044