Instructions for paying the membership fee

Are you paying the membership fee yourself?

Please always use a reference number when paying the membership fee. Please note! Do not write any messages in the message field of the invoice. They will not be forwarded.

Members paying their membership fees themselves now get a so-called member reference number. It will remain the same as long as the membership fee is paid on time.

You can find the member reference number for your membership fee on the front page of the Akava Special Branche’s Member Online Service.

If necessary, you can find the shorter reference number via the reference number search:

Payment periods / due dates

The membership fee is paid monthly. The due date is always the 5th day of the next month – for example, the due date for January’s fee is 5 February. You will find the due dates of the annual and quarterly payments from the invoice and payment instructions you have received via mail.

If the payment of your membership fee is more than two weeks overdue

i.e. you are paying the fee after the 19th, you need to order a separate reference number or pay your membership fee through the Akava Special Branches Member Online Service, where you can create a new reference number for the timeframe of your choice.

Is your employer paying the membership fee for you?

If you would like your employer to pay the membership fee for you, you can save and fill the authorisation here and send it to your employer.

Do you receive benefits from the Unemployment Fund for Higher Educated Employees Erko?

The benefits paid by the Erko unemployment fund include earnings-related unemployment allowance and job alteration compensation. Erko deducts the membership fee automatically from the benefits that it pays. Members must pay the membership fee for benefits received from other unemployment funds themselves.

Do you have questions about the membership fees?

Telephone +358 (0) 800 135 370 (toll-free number)

Telephone services are available from Tuesdays to Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Fax +358 (09) 147 242


Please remember to state your whole name and your member number or your date of birth in the message.