Collective agreements
Collective agreements
Akava Special Branches negotiates with employers on the terms of employment and service of the members of its member organisations as part of Akava’s negotiation organisations.
Our negotiation organisation for the private sector (companies, universities of applied sciences and associations) is the Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff YTN.
Our negotiating organisation for the public sector (municipalities, wellbeing services counties, central government, universities and congregations) is the Negotiation Organisation for Public Sector Professionals JUKO.
We take part in activities related to agreements and negotiations in the different bodies of YTN and JUKO.
Akava Special Branches is a direct contractual party to five collective agreements, which are the collective agreement for private museums, three company-specific collective agreements in the sign language sector, and the collective agreement for the AV translation industry together with the Union of Journalists in Finland.
What is your collective agreement and who is your shop steward?