Apply for a grant

AEK-Koulutussäätiö awards grants to members of Akava Special Branches member organisations.

In awarding grants, priority is placed on education, research activities and the development of learning materials, professions and sectors that may benefit the members of Akava Special Branches. Holding a position of trust with Akava Special Branches is also considered an advantage for applicants.

When applying, please note that your membership and membership fee payments will be checked before your application is processed.

Please read the Q&A section (in Finnish only) before completing the grant form (the application opens in the fall). The Q&A page provides more detailed instructions on applying for a grant.

AEK-Koulutussäätiö, Maistraatinportti 4 A, 00240 Helsinki

After the grant is awarded, recipients will be asked to provide a personal report on the use of the grant.